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kenya 2018

In May of 2018, I traveled with a phenomenal group of humans to Kibwezi, Kenya. The group that we traveled with, Generation Next in Branson, MO, has been doing humanitarian work there for the past 8 years. They have built a school called Pamoja that feeds and educates over 200 students. While on the trip, we visited this school frequently. We played with the kids, painted classrooms, and watched as a library was being built. Aside from Pamoja, we also visited a special needs school, a few other neighboring schools, and the nearby hospital to pass out hygiene kits. The most memorable experience for me on this trip was at a soccer (football) game against some of the boys at a nearby school. They smoked us. Afterwards, we all gathered together in one large group and sang worship songs. One of us had brought a guitar on the trip, and another had fashioned a drum from an old suitcase. The boys and their coaches danced and sang their hearts out. In that moment, I closed my eyes and heard our voices reaching toward the Heavens, and my heart was so overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed with the realization that no matter where we are or who we are, we are all here for one purpose: to glorify and honor the Lord in all that we do. Not a day goes by when I don't think about Kenya. My heart longs to go back every day I am on this earth.

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