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more about me:

In the spring of 2016, I graduated from Fair Grove High School. The following (fall) semester I enrolled in classes at Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) in Springfield, MO. In May of 2018, I graduated from OTC with an AA transfer degree, summa cum laude and with an honors distinction. From there, I transferred to Drury University, where I graduated in May of 2020 with a bachelors in both English and Writing. My goal is to be an editor/publisher for a Christian publishing company n the future.


Aside from school, I love to read and write in my free time. I'll read pretty much anything, but my favorites are classics, poetry, young adult, and Christian non-fiction. You'll most likely find me writing at 3:00 am, hunched over my laptop. When I do have time to write, I'm probably writing either poetry, short stories, or prose. As you read this, I have 45+ houseplants living in my room. I cannot stop. Aside from these things, I love music. It is an ever-growing dimension I find myself getting lost in more often than not. Lastly, I love people. I want to spread the light and love of God to each and every one of them.

a few of my favorite things:
Book: Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too by Jomny Sun
Band: Switchfoot
Food: Beef Enchiladas straight from my momma's kitchen
Poem: Surplus by Phil Kaye
Bible verse: Galatians 5:13
Place(s): Kibwezi, Kenya and my bedroom
Top 5 movies:
1. Dead Poets Society
2. The Princess Bride
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. Karate Kid (1984)
5. Howl's Moving Castle
song: Where I Belong by Switchfoot
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